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When is the last time one has been horseback riding? Horseback riding is another fun family-oriented activity one should check out during their stay at the Poconos Mountains. There are several trails, from easy to difficult, that one can choose to take depending upon one’s comfort level with horses. The Poconos Mountains provide a stable of gentle, trained, and domesticated horses.

One may think, “I have never been horseback riding. I am not sure it’s for me.” Stop, right, there. Do not let fear get in the way of one enjoying oneself and trying something new. Trying new activities is what taking a good vacation is all about. Riding a horse is comparable to learning how to ride a bicycle – it is simple. Why not try something new? Why not break the norm and get out of your comfort zone? Isn’t that what taking a vacation is all about? Let loose. Have a nice glass of wine. Enjoy oneself. Be open to new activities in the Poconos Mountains, and one will undoubtedly have the time of their life. Comparable to the trained how-to-experts specialists designated for skiing, the horseback riding sector also provides trained specialists who can assist one on how-to ride a horse properly and safely. The horse trainers will provide one with an arsenal of knowledge, so one is equipped for any situation. They will also ride along with oneself and hold the reigns, if one feels uncomfortable in anyway. They value one’s safety.

After a morning at the stables, one can return to their mansion, and one can enjoy the luxury of an Olympic size pool and heated hot tub, among other outdoor amenities. The pool is maintained and cleaned every day by maintenance representative who comes in the morni0ng. Thus, the property owners value their property to the utmost degree, and they make sure that the pool is impeccable for their renters. A customer testimonial points out that the Olympic sized pool was the best part of their stay. She goes on to say, “My kids enjoyed the pool—the best. They were varsity swimmers in high school, so they were happy to see that it was an Olympic sized pool, and not one of those hotel-style pools that do not even reach 8ft. God forbid they hit there head because the pool is too shallow. My girls are tall. They also played basketball. It was nostalgic. They felt like they were in high school. I felt as though I was watching their varsity meet back when they were just a bunch of kids…God, I miss those times. My girls were always the fastest swimmers on the team. I felt honored to watch them. They are my best thing, and I only want the best experiences for them.”

She continued with her testimonial on the Poconos Mansions; although she admittedly states the pool was the most amazing experience for the three of them, “My kids valued the Olympic pool more than anything else in the Poconos. While I stayed in the hot tub, they did free-style laps back and forth, and did flips when they reached the concrete…the diving board was amazing. They had so fun. We didn’t want to leave the pool. ‘Mom, they said. It’s not just the pool that made this place… it was the air and trees. The mountains were all around us. The trees. The sound of the rivers. The wind. The chirping of the birds. I never saw so many birds in my life. All different colors. I never seen such a place that was so peaceful. I felt different because I felt like I belonged here. I never wanted to leave [..] It was the beauty of it all. It was like we were in episode Game of Thrones, but not the North, obviously.’” She continued to say that they extended their stay by another week, and they worked financing out with the property owner; they got a discounted price for staying an extra week, since it was not reserved beforehand. She admits that their vacation stay helped her family get through difficult times because they were able to bond together, after being estranged for too many years. In the Poconos Mountains, one can learn to build relationships and build trust and loyalty, due to the peaceful and immersive environment.

Using the grill and the firepit, and the outdoor bar, they hosted small parties with close friends and family at night. The pool lit up. “It was the best vacation we had in a long time because we felt like we were at home. The Poconos Mountains is like a little slice of heaven on earth,” she remarks. “There’s nothing like looking at sun as it creeps through the green luscious trees and keeps you warm as a brisk warm wind soothes the sweat from your brow. For the first time in a long time, I felt alive. The winding and rolling rivers, the endless brooks splashing, the foliage of the trees was absolutely sublime. Now, I won’t settle for anything less.”

The family plans on booking another mansion rental through Airbnb next year, for her daughter’s sixteenth birthday. They plan on hosting a big party with friends and family, including a band and caterers. They already have reserved a three-day weekend. They also plan on going horseback riding and hiking the Poconos mountain, during their next visit. Lastly, she comments, “We are ready to leave the house, although the pool and hot tub were great. After this trip, we are a family. We are ready for anything, now. To see my girls together, again, meant everything in the world to me. Thank you, Poconos Property Management, for bringing my family back together. I can never thank you enough…my babies are together and that’s all that matters.” There is nothing like a family, two sisters, reconnecting again, after a long-term estrangement. Thanks to the Poconos Mountains, an divided family, now has each other again.

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